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金鹏航空有限责任公司 境外卡车询价函 RFQ Letter for Trucking Services SuparnaAirlines Co.,Ltd *********** 纪检受理电话:*********** 信函寄送地址:**省********镇**机场路*号**国际机场海航基地海技楼***西,航空集团审计监察部。 邮 编:****** (*)方大集团投诉渠道 方大集团审计监察部 举报邮箱:*********** 举报电话:*********** (*)“风清海航”海航航空集团纪委微信公众号 第三章 报价 Chapter *Quote*卖方信息 Seller Information 卖方名称: Seller Name: (必填 REQUIRED) (卖方名称需为协议签署方,如签署英文协议,需填写英文名称 Seller shall be the party of final agreement, if the agreementwas in English, please fill in with Seller’s English Name) 公司注册地址: CompanyRegistration Address: (必填 REQUIRED) 联系人: Contact: (必填 REQUIRED) 电话: Tel Number: (必填 REQUIRED) 邮件: Email: (必填 REQUIRED) * 报价 Quote *.*报价应包括供应卡车、库区单一价格Single Unit Price(SUP)。 Pleaseprovide the standard contract for bidding including the SUP Price. 附件*/Annex * (请填写额外工作费计算公式fill out with compensation calculationformula)——必填REQUIRED *.* 价格调整 Price adjustment 卖方因成本等因素需要调整价格,按如下公式进行调整,且每年涨幅最高不超过______%;或每年固定涨幅为______%。 Seller can adjust the price annually in consideration of Seller’scost by below formula, and the price adjustment shall be limited within_______%,or the fixed yearly escalation at ________%. (请填写价格调整公式) *报价有效期 Quote validity *.*报价在规定的截止日后的 ***天内保持有效,有效期不满足要求的报价将被视为非响应性报价而予以拒绝。The quote shall be valid within ***days after the deadline of quote. If the validity did not satisfy thisrequirement, the quote will be deemed as invalid. (填是或否 fill Yes or No)————必填REQUIRED *.* 报价适用年限 如买方接受卖方报价,卖方报价内所有价格在****年*月*日前不得上调。 IfBuyer accepted Seller’s quote, the quoted price shall not be escalated beforeJanuary *st, ****. (填是或否 fillYes or No)————必填REQUIRED 第四章 报价评估Chapter * Quote Evaluation *.总原则 Principle买方采用综合评估,在有效报价中,选择可以满足买方运行保障、适航安全、成本控制的报价,采取评分制,确定最终中标供应商。Buyer willcomprehensively evaluate the Sellers’quote which are satisfy Buyer’srequirement for continuously supply and airworthiness safety and CostControlling, select the final supplier by score. *.开标方式 Bid openingmethod 报价采取密封快递的方式,在开标日期前买方任何人员不得开启。开标之日,在买方项目组至少有三名成员(分属法务、货运*场、财务)同时在场的情况下,检查报价是否密封并签字确认。如卖方报价无密封,则视为该卖方报价为无效报价。开标后,买方需将卖方报价书向买方项目组全体成员及卖方公示。卖方需检查开标结果是否与其报价一致。如开标内容和卖方报价不一致,则视为无效报价。 The quote shall be deliveredto Buyer by express and before the Bid opening date, Buyer shall not open it.At the date of Bid opening, three persons from a different division of of Buyershall inspect the Seller’s quote documents to check if they are sealed andmaintain secrecy. If the quote was unsealed, then this Buyer’s quote will bedeemed as invalid. *.评估 Evaluation 选择规则: *)选择排名第一的卖方作为供应商,自协议正式执行之日起,每年双方需回顾协议执行情况,重点分析循环成本、实际使用循环、售后服务、付款条件执行等要素。 The Seller which is the rank first will be selected as supplierfor Buyer’s. Since the execution of final proposal, Buyer and Seller shallreview the service performance including cycle cost, actual landing cyclesperformance, aftermarket service, payment and so on. *)在协议期内,如发生卖方原因造成的安全不正常事件或严重违约事件,买方有权部分终止或全部终止该供应商供货,并要求卖方赔偿买方相应的损失。 During the term of agreement, if Seller broke the contract orthe unsafely issue happened at Seller’s responsibility, Buyer can suspend orterminate the agreement in part or in whole and request Seller compensate Buyer’sloss. 一、公司基本情况 公司基本情况调查表 公司信息 *. 公司名称Company Name *. 公司总部地址HQ office address *. 联系方式Contact info *. **小时值班电话/传真/邮箱 Contact Tel/Fax/Email *. 电报地址及收报要求 SITA address *. 公司创建时间 Company founding date *. 公司工作日及工作时间 Office orking hours and date *. 所服务航空公司及航空公司数量 Current customer status *. 固定的卡车班表,如有请提供。 Trucking schedule **. 贵单位在哪些路线或区域上存在行业优势 Advantaged trucking area **. 在贵单位所到达航站是否有设置所属海关监管仓库或有**伙伴仓库 如有请提供联系表(联系人、联系电话、联系地址) Contracted offline warehouses in all destinations **. 是否可以制作转关文件 T* availability **. 公司员工数量(正式及非正式员工)及组织架构 Total amount of employees and company structure 人力**信息 HR info * 公司卡车司机数量 Total amount of drivers * 相关卡车司机受过何种培训或列明其他培训 Driver training status * 危险品物品运输课程 DG transportation qualification 车队信息 Fleet info *. 可提供卡车的卡车种类 Description of the fleet including truck brands/types *. 各种卡车卡车基本数据内径、外径尺寸/吨位/可装载最大容积 Truck dimensions introduction *. GPS实时跟踪系统 GPS tracing system availability *. 安全锁系统 Safety locks system availability *. 可提供的运输模式服务 门对门服务 整机装板/箱运输服务 包车服务 使用其他卡车公司联合运输服务 DDX/FTL service availability And other sub-contracted trucking company 运输模式 Service intro *. 可为那些特殊货物提供运输服务,超大/超重/危险品/活体动物/温控货物等 OHG/over weight/DG/AVI/Temp control transportation service availability *. 是否有专用网站供相关信息查询?如有请提供网址。 Tracing website availability *. 已经开通并在执行的定班卡车站点有哪些,如有请提供定班车时刻班表。 Scheduled trucking network availability *. 是否可以提供拼车服务 LTL service availability 信息跟踪 Other service *. 特殊节假日及时间的限行规定 Trucking on holidays *. 根据航空公司要求安排空集装器退运的能力 ULD return service *. 是否可以发送全部格式的FSU电报?如:RCF/DEP/ARR/NFD/DLV. SITA service availability including FSU RCF/DEP/ARR/NFD/DLV at destinations *. 需在AMS货站有备案,并有AMS货站出入通行证,且与货站有着良好的沟通。 Registered at all GHAs in Schiphol and maintaining good relationships 集装器管理 ULD control *. 退运设备是否收费?退运的班期/频次。 ULD-return service availability and charges *. 是否可以发送LUC电报 SITA LUC message availability 公司营业执照Company business license 资质证明(各类资质证明)Qualification proof/certificate 附件* Annex * ****-**** * The marked in red are indispensable From To City Minimum Per kg *pallet * pallets *pallets Full Truck AMS ABZ Aberdeen AMS ALC Alicante AMS AOI Ancona AMS ATH Athens AMS BCN Barcelona AMS BEG Belgrade AMS BER Berlin AMS BFS Belfast AMS BGO Bergen AMS BHX Birmingham AMS BIO Bilbao AMS BLL Billund AMS BLQ Bologna AMS BOD Bordeaux AMS BRE Bremen AMS BRN Berne AMS BRS Bristol AMS BRU Brussels AMS BSL Basel AMS BUD Budapest AMS BUH Bucharest AMS CDG Paris-CDG AMS CGN Cologne AMS CPH Copenhagen AMS CWL Cardiff AMS DRS Dresden AMS DTM Dortmund AMS DUB Dublin AMS DUS Dusseldorf AMS EDI Edinburgh AMS EIN Eindhoven AMS EMA East Midlands AMS ENS Enschede AMS FCO Rome AMS FLR Florence AMS FMO Münster-Osnabruck AMS FRA Frankfurt AMS GLA Glasgow AMS GOA Genoa AMS GOT Gothenburg AMS GRQ Groningen AMS GRZ Graz AMS GVA Geneva AMS HAJ Hannover AMS HAM Hamburg AMS HEL Helsinki AMS HHN Hahn AMS LEJ Leipzig AMS LGG Liege AMS LGW London-Gatwick AMS LHR London-Heathrow AMS LIL Lille AMS LIN Milan-Linate AMS LIS Lisbon AMS LJU Ljubljana AMS LTN London-Luton AMS LUX Luxembourg AMS LYS Lyon AMS MAD Madrid AMS MAN Manchester AMS MLH Mulhouse AMS MMA Malmo AMS MPL Montpelier AMS MRS Marseille AMS MST Maastricht AMS MUC Munich AMS MXP Milan-Malpensa AMS NAP Naples AMS NCE Nice AMS NCL Newcastle AMS NRK Norkoping AMS NTE Nantes AMS NUE Nuremberg AMS OPO Porto AMS ORK Cork AMS ORY Paris-Orly AMS OSL Oslo AMS OST Ostend AMS PIK Prestwick AMS PRG Prague AMS PSA Pisa AMS RTM Rotterdam AMS SCN Saarbrucken AMS SNN Shannon AMS STN London-Stansted AMS STO Stockholm AMS STR Stuttgart AMS SVG Stavanger AMS SXB Strasbourg AMS SZG Salzburg AMS TLS Toulouse AMS TRN Turin AMS VCE Venice AMS VIE Vienna AMS VLC Valencia AMS VRN Verona AMS WAW Warsaw AMS ZAZ Zaragoza AMS ZRH Zurich 报价网址:https://espb*b.hnair.com/index




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