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**华瑞航空制造有限公司中型五轴中型五轴钻铣设备国际招标项目招标公告 *. 招标条件Bidding Conditions 项目概况:中型五轴钻铣设备 Overview: medium-sized five-axis drilling and milling equipment 资金到位或资金来源落实情况:国内自筹 Source of Funds:Domestic self-raised 项目已具备招标条件的说明:项目已审批,资金已落实 Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions: Project has been considered, funds have been implemented *. 招标内容Bidding Content 招标项目编号:****-****SCCZAH** Bidding No:****-****SCCZAH** 招标项目名称:**华瑞航空制造有限公司中型五轴中型五轴钻铣设备国际招标项目 Project Name:Huarui Aerospace Manufacturing Co., Ltd. medium-sized five-axis drilling and milling equipment international bidding project 项目实施地点:**省*** Place of Implementation:Hangzhou, Zhejiang 招标产品列表: 序号 NO. 产品名称Product Name 数量 Quantity 简要技术规格Main Technical Data * 中型五轴钻铣设备 medium-sized five-axis drilling and milling equipment *台 * set **华瑞航空制造有限公司因发展需求,需要购买一台中型五轴钻铣设备,有效工作行程为X轴:≥****mm;Y轴:≥****mm;Z轴:≥****mm,主要用于碳纤维等复合材料制件的钻孔以及切口和零件外形的切削加工,具有从数控编程、后置处理、模拟仿真、到实际自动切削的完整能力。Zhejiang Huarui Aerospace Manufacturing Co., Ltd. due to the development needs, need to buy a medium-sized five-axis drilling and milling equipment, effective working stroke is X axis: ****mm; Y axis: ****mm; Z axis: ****mm, mainly used for carbon fiber and other composite parts drilling and incision and parts shape cutting, with a complete ability from numerical control programming, rear processing, simulation, to the actual automatic cutting. *. 投标人资格要求 *.*如果投标的设备原产国为中华人民**国关境内,投标人必须是所投设备的制造商。如果投标的设备原产国为中华人民**国关境外,投标人可以是所投设备的制造商或制造商直接授权的代理商,若投标人为代理商则需提供制造商出具的授权书,否则其投标将被否决。如果境外投标人所投货物包含境内部分,则投标人须具备人民币结算能力,否则其投标将被否决。 *.*投标人须提供营业执照(企业登记证明材料)或经营许可证明文件。 *.*业绩要求:投标人从****年*月*日至投标截止时间(以合同签订时间为准)投标货物制造商应具有*台用于航空复材结构件制造相关的五轴钻铣设备销售业绩(设备需为五轴设备,有效行程长度X≥*米,宽度Y≥*米,高度Z≥*.*米)。 注*:销售合同及技术协议中主要功能的复印件须能体现签订时间,销售产品内容、规格及数量,签章双方等关键信息,并提供验收证明,否则将被作为无效证明材料。 注*:上述复材 / 航空复材特指航空碳纤维复合材料。 *.*境内投标人应当提供在开标日前*个月内由其开立基本账户的银行(开户银行)开具的有效银行资信证明的原件或复印件或提供****年、****年度会计师事务所出具的财务审计报告和经审计的资产负债表、利润表、现金流量表。 *.*至投标截止时间,境内投标人若被人民法院列为失信被执行人或被中华人民**国应急管理部(包括原国家安全监管总局)列入安全生产不良记录“黑名单”,其投标将被否决。 注:失信人信息查询方式:①中国执行信息公开网(http://zxgk.court.gov.cn/shixin/);②中华人民**国应急管理部(包括原国家安全监管总局)公布的失信生产经营单位及其有关人员信息(黑名单):中华人民**国应急管理部和原国家安全监管总局政府网站。 * Qualifications or Performance to Bidder: *.* If the country of origin of the equipment is the People's Republic of China, the bidder must be the manufacturer of the equipment. If the country of origin of the bid equipment is outside the People's Republic of China, the bidder may be the manufacturer of the invested equipment or the agent directly authorized by the manufacturer. If the bidder is the agent, it shall provide the authorization letter issued by the manufacturer, otherwise the bid will be rejected. If the goods submitted by the overseas bidder include the domestic part, the bidder must have the ability to settle in RMB, otherwise his bid will be rejected. *.* The bidder shall provide the business license (the enterprise registration certificate material) or the business license certificate document. *.* Performance requirements: The bidder from January *,**** to the deadline for bidding (subject to the time of contract signing) The bidding goods manufacturer shall have two sets of five-axis processing equipment sales performance for the manufacturing of aviation composite structural parts (the equipment shall be five-axis equipment, effective travel length X * m, width Y * m, and height Z *.* m). Note *: The copies of the main functions in the sales contract and technical agreement shall reflect the key information of the signing time, the content, specification and quantity of the products sold, and the signing parties, and provide the acceptance certificate, otherwise it will be used as invalid proof materials. Note *: The above composite / aviation composite specifically refers to the aviation carbon fiber composite material. *.* The domestic bidder shall provide the original or photocopy of the valid bank credit certificate issued by the bank (opening bank) where the basic account is opened within * months before the bid opening date, or provide the financial audit report and the audited balance sheet, profit statement and cash flow statement issued by the accounting firm in **** and ****. *.* Until the deadline for bidding, if a domestic bidder is listed as the person subject to enforcement for trust-breaking by the people's court or listed in the "blacklist" of the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China (including the former State Administration of Safety), his bid will be rejected. Note: Information inquiry method of trust-breaking persons: ① China Executive Information Disclosure Network (http: / / zxgk.court.gov. Cn / shixin /); ② Information of trust-breaking production and business entities and their related personnel published by the Ministry of Emergency Management, PRC (including the former State Administration of Safety) (blacklist): the website of the Ministry of Emergency Management, PRC and the government website of the former State Administration of Safety. 是否允许联合体投标:不允许 Joint Bids:NOT Available 未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不允许 Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available *. 招标文件的获取Acquisition of Bidding Documents 招标文件领购开始时间:****-**-** Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:****-**-** 招标文件领购结束时间:****-**-** Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:****-**-** 获取招标文件方式:潜在投标人可从****年*月**日起至****年**月**日,登陆中化商务电子招投标平台http://e.sinochemitc.com/,进入网络标书销售系统购买招标文件。购标人需先进行网上注册(免费),具体步骤请参考帮助中心-招投标指南。本招标文件售价为*元/包件,电子平台使用费人民币****元/包件或***美元/包件。支付成功后,可下载招标文件及增值税电子普通发票。 Interested bidders may, from September **th, **** to October **, ****, log on to the Sinochem Commerce Electronic Bidding and Tendering Platform http://e.sinochemitc.com/, and enter the online sales system of bidding documents. The buyer of bidding documents shall first freely register online following Help – Guide for Bidding and Tendering. The price of this bidding document is RMB * per package, and the fee for using the electronic platform is RMB *,*** per package or USD *** per package. After successful payment, the buyer of bidding documents can download the bidding document and the ordinary electronic invoice inclusive of value-added tax. *. 投标文件的递交Bid Submission *.*所有投标文件应于****年**月**日上午*:**时(**时间)之前递交到以下地点:**省***钱塘区**五路****号华瑞航空制造园区B**楼会议室。 *.* All well-sealed tender documents shall be submitted to the following places before *:** am on October **,**** (Beijing time): Conference Room, Building B**, Huarui Aviation Manufacturing Park, No.****, Jiangdong Fifth Road, Qiantang District, Hangzhou city, Zhejiang Province. *.*开标时间为****年**月**日上午*:**时(**时间),地点为:**省***钱塘区**五路****号华瑞航空制造园区B**楼会议室,届时请投标人代表出席开标仪式。 *.* The bid opening time is *:** am on October **,**** (Beijing time), at the conference room, Building B**, Huarui Aviation Manufacturing Park, No.****, Jiangdong Fifth Road, Qiantang District, Hangzhou city, Zhejiang Province. The bidders are invited to attend the bid opening ceremony. *.*逾期送达的、未送达指定地点的或者不按照招标文件要求密封的投标文件,招标人将予以拒收。 *.* Bid documents arriving late, not delivered to the designated place or not sealed as required in the bidding documents, if any, will be rejected by the tenderee. *. 投标人在投标前需在中国国际招标网上完成注册。评标结果将在中国国际招标网公示。 The evaluation results will be released on *. 联系方式 Contact Details 招标人:**华瑞航空制造有限公司 Purchasers:Huarui Aerospace Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 地址:中国**省***钱塘区**五路****号 Add.:No.****, Jiangdong Fifth Road, Qiantang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China 联系人:尹先生 Contact:Mr.Yin 联系方式:****-******** Business contact number: + **-****-******** 招标代理机构:******** Bidding Agency:Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd. 地址:中国******丽泽路**号院**幸福中心B座**层 Add.:** F, Block B, Safe Happiness Center, Courtyard **, Lize Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, China 联系人:宋子瑜、王**、黄凡 Contact:Song Ziyu, Wang Hongwei, Huang Fan. 业务联系电话:+**-***********、+**-***-******** Business contact number: + **-***********, + **-***-******** 传真:+**-***-******** Fax: + **-***-******** 电子邮件:***********、*********** Email: ***********、*********** *. 外币购买招标文件账号: 户名:******** 开户行:中国银行股份有限公司****支行 账号:************ SWIFT Code:BKCH CN BJ *** *. Account information for purchasing bidding documents (foreign currencies): Account name: Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd. Bank Name: Bank of China, Beijing Fengtai Sub-Branch Account No.: ************ SWIFT Code: BKCH CN BJ *** Tender announcement Huarui Aerospace Manufacturing Co., Ltd. medium-sized five-axis drilling and milling equipment international bidding project *. 招标条件Bidding Conditions 项目概况:中型五轴钻铣设备 Overview: medium-sized five-axis drilling and milling equipment 资金到位或资金来源落实情况:国内自筹 Source of Funds:Domestic self-raised 项目已具备招标条件的说明:项目已审批,资金已落实 Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions: Project has been considered, funds have been implemented *. 招标内容Bidding Content 招标项目编号:****-****SCCZAH** Bidding No:****-****SCCZAH** 招标项目名称:**华瑞航空制造有限公司中型五轴中型五轴钻铣设备国际招标项目 Project Name:Huarui Aerospace Manufacturing Co., Ltd. medium-sized five-axis drilling and milling equipment international bidding project 项目实施地点:**省*** Place of Implementation:Hangzhou, Zhejiang 招标产品列表: 序号 NO. 产品名称Product Name 数量 Quantity 简要技术规格Main Technical Data * 中型五轴钻铣设备 medium-sized five-axis drilling and milling equipment *台 * set **华瑞航空制造有限公司因发展需求,需要购买一台中型五轴钻铣设备,有效工作行程为X轴:≥****mm;Y轴:≥****mm;Z轴:≥****mm,主要用于碳纤维等复合材料制件的钻孔以及切口和零件外形的切削加工,具有从数控编程、后置处理、模拟仿真、到实际自动切削的完整能力。Zhejiang Huarui Aerospace Manufacturing Co., Ltd. due to the development needs, need to buy a medium-sized five-axis drilling and milling equipment, effective working stroke is X axis: ****mm; Y axis: ****mm; Z axis: ****mm, mainly used for carbon fiber and other composite parts drilling and incision and parts shape cutting, with a complete ability from numerical control programming, rear processing, simulation, to the actual automatic cutting. *. 投标人资格要求 *.*如果投标的设备原产国为中华人民**国关境内,投标人必须是所投设备的制造商。如果投标的设备原产国为中华人民**国关境外,投标人可以是所投设备的制造商或制造商直接授权的代理商,若投标人为代理商则需提供制造商出具的授权书,否则其投标将被否决。如果境外投标人所投货物包含境内部分,则投标人须具备人民币结算能力,否则其投标将被否决。 *.*投标人须提供营业执照(企业登记证明材料)或经营许可证明文件。 *.*业绩要求:投标人从****年*月*日至投标截止时间(以合同签订时间为准)投标货物制造商应具有*台用于航空复材结构件制造相关的五轴钻铣设备销售业绩(设备需为五轴设备,有效行程长度X≥*米,宽度Y≥*米,高度Z≥*.*米)。 注*:销售合同及技术协议中主要功能的复印件须能体现签订时间,销售产品内容、规格及数量,签章双方等关键信息,并提供验收证明,否则将被作为无效证明材料。 注*:上述复材 / 航空复材特指航空碳纤维复合材料。 *.*境内投标人应当提供在开标日前*个月内由其开立基本账户的银行(开户银行)开具的有效银行资信证明的原件或复印件或提供****年、****年度会计师事务所出具的财务审计报告和经审计的资产负债表、利润表、现金流量表。 *.*至投标截止时间,境内投标人若被人民法院列为失信被执行人或被中华人民**国应急管理部(包括原国家安全监管总局)列入安全生产不良记录“黑名单”,其投标将被否决。 注:失信人信息查询方式:①中国执行信息公开网(http://zxgk.court.gov.cn/shixin/);②中华人民**国应急管理部(包括原国家安全监管总局)公布的失信生产经营单位及其有关人员信息(黑名单):中华人民**国应急管理部和原国家安全监管总局政府网站。 * Qualifications or Performance to Bidder: *.* If the country of origin of the equipment is the People's Republic of China, the bidder must be the manufacturer of the equipment. If the country of origin of the bid equipment is outside the People's Republic of China, the bidder may be the manufacturer of the invested equipment or the agent directly authorized by the manufacturer. If the bidder is the agent, it shall provide the authorization letter issued by the manufacturer, otherwise the bid will be rejected. If the goods submitted by the overseas bidder include the domestic part, the bidder must have the ability to settle in RMB, otherwise his bid will be rejected. *.* The bidder shall provide the business license (the enterprise registration certificate material) or the business license certificate document. *.* Performance requirements: The bidder from January *,**** to the deadline for bidding (subject to the time of contract signing) The bidding goods manufacturer shall have two sets of five-axis processing equipment sales performance for the manufacturing of aviation composite structural parts (the equipment shall be five-axis equipment, effective travel length X * m, width Y * m, and height Z *.* m). Note *: The copies of the main functions in the sales contract and technical agreement shall reflect the key information of the signing time, the content, specification and quantity of the products sold, and the signing parties, and provide the acceptance certificate, otherwise it will be used as invalid proof materials. Note *: The above composite / aviation composite specifically refers to the aviation carbon fiber composite material. *.* The domestic bidder shall provide the original or photocopy of the valid bank credit certificate issued by the bank (opening bank) where the basic account is opened within * months before the bid opening date, or provide the financial audit report and the audited balance sheet, profit statement and cash flow statement issued by the accounting firm in **** and ****. *.* Until the deadline for bidding, if a domestic bidder is listed as the person subject to enforcement for trust-breaking by the people's court or listed in the "blacklist" of the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China (including the former State Administration of Safety), his bid will be rejected. Note: Information inquiry method of trust-breaking persons: ① China Executive Information Disclosure Network (http: / / zxgk.court.gov. Cn / shixin /); ② Information of trust-breaking production and business entities and their related personnel published by the Ministry of Emergency Management, PRC (including the former State Administration of Safety) (blacklist): the website of the Ministry of Emergency Management, PRC and the government website of the former State Administration of Safety. 是否允许联合体投标:不允许 Joint Bids:NOT Available 未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不允许 Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available *. 招标文件的获取Acquisition of Bidding Documents 招标文件领购开始时间:****-**-** Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:****-**-** 招标文件领购结束时间:****-**-** Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:****-**-** 获取招标文件方式:潜在投标人可从****年*月**日起至****年**月**日,登陆中化商务电子招投标平台http://e.sinochemitc.com/,进入网络标书销售系统购买招标文件。购标人需先进行网上注册(免费),具体步骤请参考帮助中心-招投标指南。本招标文件售价为*元/包件,电子平台使用费人民币****元/包件或***美元/包件。支付成功后,可下载招标文件及增值税电子普通发票。 Interested bidders may, from September **th, **** to October **, ****, log on to the Sinochem Commerce Electronic Bidding and Tendering Platform http://e.sinochemitc.com/, and enter the online sales system of bidding documents. The buyer of bidding documents shall first freely register online following Help – Guide for Bidding and Tendering. The price of this bidding document is RMB * per package, and the fee for using the electronic platform is RMB *,*** per package or USD *** per package. After successful payment, the buyer of bidding documents can download the bidding document and the ordinary electronic invoice inclusive of value-added tax. *. 投标文件的递交Bid Submission *.*所有投标文件应于****年**月**日上午*:**时(**时间)之前递交到以下地点:**省***钱塘区**五路****号华瑞航空制造园区B**楼会议室。 *.* All well-sealed tender documents shall be submitted to the following places before *:** am on October **,**** (Beijing time): Conference Room, Building B**, Huarui Aviation Manufacturing Park, No.****, Jiangdong Fifth Road, Qiantang District, Hangzhou city, Zhejiang Province. *.*开标时间为****年**月**日上午*:**时(**时间),地点为:**省***钱塘区**五路****号华瑞航空制造园区B**楼会议室,届时请投标人代表出席开标仪式。 *.* The bid opening time is *:** am on October **,**** (Beijing time), at the conference room, Building B**, Huarui Aviation Manufacturing Park, No.****, Jiangdong Fifth Road, Qiantang District, Hangzhou city, Zhejiang Province. The bidders are invited to attend the bid opening ceremony. *.*逾期送达的、未送达指定地点的或者不按照招标文件要求密封的投标文件,招标人将予以拒收。 *.* Bid documents arriving late, not delivered to the designated place or not sealed as required in the bidding documents, if any, will be rejected by the tenderee. *. 投标人在投标前需在中国国际招标网上完成注册。评标结果将在中国国际招标网公示。 The evaluation results will be released on *. 联系方式 Contact Details 招标人:**华瑞航空制造有限公司 Purchasers:Huarui Aerospace Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 地址:中国**省***钱塘区**五路****号 Add.:No.****, Jiangdong Fifth Road, Qiantang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China 联系人:尹先生 Contact:Mr.Yin 联系方式:****-******** Business contact number: + **-****-******** 招标代理机构:******** Bidding Agency:Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd. 地址:中国******丽泽路**号院**幸福中心B座**层 Add.:** F, Block B, Safe Happiness Center, Courtyard **, Lize Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, China 联系人:宋子瑜、王**、黄凡 Contact:Song Ziyu, Wang Hongwei, Huang Fan. 业务联系电话:+**-***********、+**-***-******** Business contact number: + **-***********, + **-***-******** 传真:+**-***-******** Fax: + **-***-******** 电子邮件:***********、*********** Email: ***********、*********** *. 外币购买招标文件账号: 户名:******** 开户行:中国银行股份有限公司****支行 账号:************ SWIFT Code:BKCH CN BJ *** *. Account information for purchasing bidding documents (foreign currencies): Account name: Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd. Bank Name: Bank of China, Beijing Fengtai Sub-Branch Account No.: ************ SWIFT Code: BKCH CN BJ ***


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