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项目编号:SCFA*********** 公告 公告标题: 一公司沙特利雅得赛德拉三四期基础设施项目设备租赁 公告内容: Invitation for Bids FLOAT VALVE Purchaser: Branch of China Harbour Engineering Co.LTD Name of Project: Infrastructure works for Riyadh Sedra *&* Contract Title: Equipment rental Deadline for Submission of Bids: ****-**-** IFB No.: CHEC-**-RSP**-SBZL-********-*** *. *. Branch of China Harbour Engineering Co., ltd (hereinafter referred to as "CHEC") has been awarded a project named Infrastructure works for Riyadh Sedra * & ** and intends to Equipment rental Now CHEC invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations of this document and Bidding will be conducted through international competitive procurement. *. Interested eligible Bidders are required to register on the “Materials Purchasing Management Information System of CCCC (hereinafter referred to as "CCCC System") which website is http://ec.ccccltd.cn/PMS before obtain further information. *. Interested parties can make quotations using the list issued by our department. *. The address(es) referred to above is (are): *.* He Ping an Deputy Project Manager Email:*********** Call:+*** ********* *.* Li Xian Commercial Dep Manager Email:*********** Call:+*** ** *** **** *.* Chen Fei Procurement Dep Manager Email:*********** Call:+*** ** *** **** 物资信息 序号 设备物资名称 设备物资说明 数量 单位 * 轮胎装载机 *.*-*.*m* ****-****kg 普通 无 * 月 * 轮胎装载机 *.*-*.*m* ****-****kg 普通 无 * 月 * 轮胎装载机 *.*-*.*m* ****-****kg 普通 无 * 月 * 轮胎装载机 *.*-*.*m* ****-****kg 普通 无 * 月 * 随车起重机 >*t 无 * 月 * 汽车起重机 **-**t 无 * 月 * 洒水车 >*****L 无 * 月 * 洒水车 >*****L 无 * 月 * 洒水车 >*****L 无 * 月 ** 洒水车 >*****L 无 * 月 ** 履带挖掘机 *.*-*.*m* *****-*****kg 正铲 无 * 月 ** 履带挖掘机 *.*-*.*m* *****-*****kg 正铲 无 * 月 ** 履带挖掘机 *.*-*.*m* *****-*****kg 正铲 无 * 月 ** 轮胎装载机 *.*-*.*m* ****-****kg 普通 无 * 月 序号 附件名称 附件说明 操作 查看 报价网址:https://sp.iccec.cn/viewNoticeDetailschemeId=*******************&schemeCode=SCFA***********&schemeName=一公司沙特利雅得赛德拉三四期基础设施项目设备租赁&noticeId=*******************&opUnitName=中交二航局第一工程有限公司沙特利雅得塞德拉三四期基础设施项目经理部&opUnitId=******&purchaseType=*&schemeStatus=-&checkFlag=&supCode=&supName=
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