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南航法兰克福营业部办公室清洁和植物护理服务项目邀请函 中国南方航空股份有限公司营销委法兰克福营业部(以下简称“采购人”),就以下项目邀请贵公司进行评估报价采购。 *、项目简介 *.*项目名称:法兰克福营业部办公室清洁和植物护理服务。 *.*采购编号/包号:CZ************。 *.*项目类别:服务类; *.*资金来源:企业自筹资金; *.*项目内容、数量、限价或预算: 序号 采购内容 采购数量 (单位:月) 单价限价 (单位:元,人民币) 总价限价 (单位:元,人民币) 备注 * 法兰克福营业部办公室清洁和植物护理服务项目 ** *,***.**/月 ***,***.** 合计 ***,***.** 注: *、以上均为含税价。因国家税务政策变化导致增值税率发生变化时,按新的增值税率执行,协议价=协议签订时的不含税价*(*+新税率),协议签订时的不含税价=(协议约定的含税价、价外费用)/(*+协议签订时适用的税率)。 *、本项目采用固定金额采购模式。供应商必须对全部内容进行报价,如有缺漏或超过最高限价(单价或总价)的报价,将导致报价无效。最高单价限价金额和最高总价限价金额,是用户单位根据核准的预算金额核算所得,最终结算应以具体签署的合同约定为准。 *.*服务地点及服务期限: 序号 服务内容 服务地点 服务时间 * 法兰克福营业部办公室清洁和植物护理服务项目 Cargo City Sued, Gebaeude *** ***** Frankfurt am Main *年 *.*合同期限: 自合同生效之日起*年,具体起始时间以双方签署合同内容为准。 *、供应商资格要求 参加本项目报价的供应商必须符合下列要求: *.*供应商必须是具有独立承担民事责任能力的在德国境内的合法产权方或中间商。企业还应当在德国境内合法注册,具有合法有效的营业执照。 *.*供应商具有良好的商业信誉和健全的财务会计制度,没有处于被责令停业,财产被接管、查封、扣押、冻结、破产状态;有良好的经营业绩和相应的责任承担能力。 *.*供应商为本次采购标的物的合法产权方或中间商,若为产权方,其中间商不得同时参与该谈判项目;若为中间商,则必须取得产权方针对本项目的唯一授权。(注意:须提供产权方的证明材料,要求能够充分证明其具有合法权利及能力;中间商须提供产权方满足上述要求的证明材料及针对本项目的唯一授权书。) *.*与采购人存在利害关系可能影响招标公正性的法人、其他组织或个人,以及单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同实体,应当主动回避,不得参加本次谈判(采购)。 *.*与采购人存在利害关系可能影响招标公正性的法人、其他组织或个人,以及单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同实体,应当主动回避,不得参加本次谈判(采购)。 *.*参加本次采购活动前*年内,供应商在经营活动中无“列入严重违法失信企业名单(黑名单)信息”。(注意:须提供国家企业信用信息公示系统中此项完整内容截图,仅以国家企业信用信息公示系统显示信息为准进行形式审查并作为认定依据,其他网站或文件不作为认定依据;如因国家企业信用信息公示系统不具备上述数据的,则境外企业、港澳台地区企业及国内事业单位无需提供;在响应文件递交截止日前已被移除该“黑名单”列表的除外。) *.*被列入南航集团“限制交易供应商名单”且仍在限制期内的法人或其他组织不得参与本次谈判(采购)。 *.*被列入南航集团“禁止交易企业名单”的企业,不得参与本次谈判(采购)。 未通过上述资格要求审查的供应商不具备谈判(采购)资格,评审委员会有权认定其报价无效;任何时候发现供应商提交的相关文件、证明材料或承诺系伪造、变造或捏造的,将取消其成交供应商资格并列入南航集团限制交易供应商名单——视为其已主动放弃自本次谈判采购之日起*年内参加南航集团任何采购方式下任何项目的采购活动。 *、谈判文件的获取 *.*获取谈判文件时间:****年**月**日至****年**月**日; *.*谈判文件获取途径: 详见邮件(德国法兰克福无法完成线上) *、响应文件的递交 *.*响应文件递交的截止时间(报价截止时间)为****年*月**日**时**分,供应商应在截止时间前通过邮件递交响应文件。(德国法兰克福供应商响应无法通过电子招标投标交易平台) *.*逾期上传的响应文件,采购人将予以拒收。 *、联系方式 *.* 采购人:法兰克福营业部 地址:Cargo City Sued Geb. ***,***** Frankfurt am Main 报名联系人及联系电话:Li Yi *************** EMAIL:***********-air.de(任何疑问,均发送到此邮箱) *、异议、投诉反馈路径 异议/投诉人所提供的投诉内容和相关证明材料须为真实、客观、来源合法,并按照规定的渠道路径维护自身合法利益。若调查过程中,发现异议/投诉人有意捏造事实、伪造证明材料、以非法途径取得证明材料,或故意诋毁,造成不良影响的,一经查实,将按照我司相关办法进行严肃处理;构成违法犯罪的,依法追究法律责任。 如投标人(参与供应商)对本项目采购文件有疑问的,可在异议有效期内将有效的异议材料(书面/系统)递交至采购人(招标人)。 异议材料唯一受理地址:Cargo City Sued Geb. *** Frankfurt am Main 招标代理机构联系人:Li Yi 联系电话:*************** 如投标人(参与供应商)对异议回复结果不满意,或认为本次采购活动违反法律、法规或规章制度的,可在收到异议回复*个工作日内进行实名投诉。 投诉材料唯一受理部门:法兰克福营业部 联系地址:Cargo City Sued Geb. *** Frankfurt am Main 阶段 异议有效期时限要求 资格预审阶段 截止提交资格预审申请文件*日前提出异议 采购文件发布阶段 招标采购项目应在截止递交投标文件**日前提出异议 非招标采购项目应在截止递交响应文件*日前提出异议 评审结果公示阶段 结果公示期内提出异议 (异议、投诉具体要求详见招标(采购)文件中的异议承诺及格式指引) 法兰克福营业部****年**月**日 Sending Invitation Letter to Offer Cleaning and Plant care servicesfor CHINA SOUTHERN AIRLINESNiederlassung Frankfurt *.Project Overview *.*Project Name: Frankfurt Office Cleaning and Plant care services *.*Procurement Number/Package Number: CZ************ *.*Project Category: Service category; *.*Source of Funds: Enterprise's own funds; *.*Project Content, Quantity, Price Ceiling or Budget: Number Procurement Content Procurement Quantity (Unit: Month) Unit Price Ceiling (Unit: RMB) Total Price Ceiling (Unit: RMB) Remarks * Frankfurt Office Cleaning and Plant care services ** *,***.**/Month ***,***.** Total ***,***.** Note: (*)The above prices are all tax-inclusive. In case of changes in the national tax policies leading to changes in the VAT rate, the new VAT rate will be applied, and the agreement price = the tax-free price at the time of agreement*(*+new tax rate). The tax-free price at the time of agreement=(the agreed price including taxes, out-of-pocket expenses)/(*+the tax rate applicable at the time of agreement). (*)This project adopts a fixed amount procurement model. The supplier must quote for all contents, and any omissions or quotes exceeding the price ceiling (unit price or total price) will render the quote invalid. The maximum unit price ceiling amount and total price ceiling amount are calculated by the user unit based on the approved budget amount, and the final settlement should be based on the specific contract signed. *.*Service Location and Service Duration: Number Service Content Service Location Service Time * Frankfurt Office Cleaning and Plant care services. Cargo City Sued, Gebaeude *** ***** Frankfurt am Mainf *years *.*Contract Period: *years from the effective date of the contract, with the specific start time based on the content signed by both parties. *.Supplier Qualification Requirements Suppliers participating in the quotation of this project must meet the following requirements: *.* The supplier must be a legal property owner or intermediary in Germany with independent civil liability capability. The enterprise should also be legally registered in Germany, have a valid business license. *.* The supplier must have good commercial reputation, sound financial accounting systems, not be ordered to cease business, have their assets taken over, sealed, detained, frozen, or be in bankruptcy status; have good business performance and corresponding liability-bearing capability. *.* The supplier is the legal owner or intermediary of the subject matter of this procurement, if the owner, the intermediary cannot participate in this invitation to bid project at the same time; if an intermediary, they must obtain the sole authorization from the owner for this project. (Note: Proof materials of the owner must be provided to fully demonstrate their legal rights and capabilities; intermediaries must provide proof materials of the owner meeting the above requirements and the sole authorization for this project.) *.* Legal persons, other organizations, or individuals with interests that may affect the fairness of the bidding and where the responsible person of the unit is the same person or there are different entities with holding or management relationships with the procuring entity, should proactively avoid and not participate in this invitation to bid (procurement). *.* Within * year before participating in this procurement activity, the supplier has no information of being included in the "List of Serious Dishonest Enterprises (Blacklist)" in business operations. (Note: A complete screenshot of this information in the national enterprise credit information disclosure system must be provided, and only the information displayed in the national enterprise credit information disclosure system will be reviewed and used as the basis for verification, other websites or documents will not be considered as verification basis; if the national enterprise credit information disclosure system does not have the above data, overseas enterprises, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan enterprises and domestic institutions do not need to provide this; except for those who have been removed from this "blacklist" list before the deadline for submission of bidding documents.) *.* Legal persons or other organizations that are listed in the "Restricted Trading Supplier List" of China Southern Airlines Group and are still within the restriction period shall not participate in this invitation to bid (procurement). *.* Enterprises listed in the "Prohibited Trading Enterprise List" of China Southern Airlines Group shall not participate in this invitation to bid (procurement). Suppliers who do not pass the above qualification review do not have the qualification to participate in the invitation to bid (procurement), and the evaluation committee has the right to deem their quotation invalid; at any point where it is discovered that the supplier's submitted documents, proof materials, or commitments are forged, altered, or fabricated, their status as a successful bidder will be canceled and they will be listed in the China Southern Airlines Group Restricted Trading Supplier List - deemed to have voluntarily waived the right to participate in any procurement activities of China Southern Airlines Group under any procurement method for *years from the date of this invitation to bid procurement. *. Obtaining the Invitation to Bid Documents *.* Time for obtaining the invitation to bid documents: March **, ****to March **, ****; *.* Ways to obtain the invitation to bid documents: Refer to the email (Frankfurt, Germany, unable to complete online) *. Submission of Response Documents *.* Deadline for submission of response documents (deadline for quotation submission) is **:** onMarch **, ****, suppliers should submit response documents by email before the deadline. (Suppliers in Frankfurt, Germany, cannot respond to bids through electronic tender bidding trading platform) *.* Response documents submitted after the deadline will be rejected. *. Contact Information *.* Purchaser: Frankfurt Branch Address: Cargo City Süd Building ***, ***** Frankfurt am Main Contact person and contact number: Li Yi *************** EMAIL: ***********-air.de(any questions should be sent to this email) *.Objection, Complaint, Feedback Channels The objections/complaints provided by the objector/complainant must be true, objective, legally obtained, and maintain their legitimate interests through the prescribed channel paths. If during the investigation process, it is found that the objector/complainant intentionally fabricates facts, falsifies proof materials, obtains proof materials through illegal means, or intentionally slanders, causing adverse effects, once confirmed, serious measures will be taken in accordance with the relevant measures of our company; if it constitutes a crime, legal responsibility will be pursued according to the law. If the bidder (participating supplier) has any questions about the procurement documents for this project, they may submit valid objection materials (written/system) to the purchaser (tenderer) within the valid objection period. The only address for accepting objection materials: Cargo City Süd Building *** Frankfurt am Main Contact Person of Tender Agent: Li Yi Contact Number: *************** If the bidder (participating supplier) is not satisfied with the response to the objection, or believes that this procurement activity violates laws, regulations, or rules, they may file an official complaint within * working days of receiving the response to the objection. Only department for accepting complaint materials: Frankfurt Branch Contact Address: Cargo City Süd Building *** Frankfurt am Main Stage Requirements for Valid Objection Period Qualification Pre-examination Stage Submit objections * days before submitting qualification pre-examination application files Procurement Document Release Stage Bid procurement projects should submit objections ** days before the deadline for submitting bid documents Non-bid procurement projects should submit objections * days before the deadline for submitting response documents Evaluation Result Publicity Stage Submit objections during the result publicity period (Specific requirements for objections, complaints are detailed in the objection commitment and format guide in the bidding (procurement) documents) CHINA SOUTHERN AIRLINESNiederlassung Frankfurt March **, ****
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