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招标编码: ********** 招标名称: 国际工程-柬埔寨金边集茂大厦总承包工程-预应力工程 采购联系人: 徐蔚栋 采购联系人电话: +*** ********* 采购联系人传真号: 采购联系人EMAIL: **宝冶(柬埔寨)有限公司 招标公告 Notice of Tender Invitation From Shanghai Baoye (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. 柬埔寨金边集茂大厦总承包工程项目,现由**宝冶(柬埔寨)有限公司柬埔寨金边集茂大厦总承包工程项目部承建,项目已具备招标条件。为了更好的履行本项目承包合同,完成本项目承包合同规定的各项预定目标,按照**宝冶集团有限公司的有关规定,现由**宝冶(柬埔寨)有限公司进行公开招标。 The project ofChip Mong Tower in Phnom Penh, Cambodia now is contracted to be constructed by General Contracting Project of Chip Mong Tower in Phnom Penh, Cambodia project department of Shanghai Baoye (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. and has met theconditions to conduct tender invitation. In order to better fulfill the project contract, complete the various targets set out in the projectcontract,public tender invitationis nowconducted according to the relevant regulations of Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Ltd.. 一、招标编号:******-****-GFF***********-专业分包-预应力工程招标*** Tender Reference: ******-****-GFF***********-Professional Subcontract-Post Tensioning Pre-stressed Work Tender *** 二、招标工程项目名称:集茂大厦项目预应力工程 Tender Invitation Project Name:Post Tensioning Pre-stressed Work for Chip Mong Tower Project 三、招标工程项目地点:柬埔寨金边*俄罗斯大道 Tender Invitation Project Location:Russian Blvd, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 四、招标工程范围:本工程范围内的预应力工程 Tender Invitation Project Scope:Post Tensioning Pre-stressed Work within this project 五、招标工程内容:本工程范围内预应力工程,详见招标清单 Tender Invitation Project Content:Post Tensioning Pre-stressed Work, details refer to the quotation list of BOQ in Tender Documents 六、工期要求:****年*月**日到****年*月**日 Construction Period Requirements:From January**, **** to February**, **** 七、工程质量要求:符合招标方及设计规范要求 Construction Quality Requirements:Meet the tenderer requirements and design specification requirements 八、招标标段划分:一个标段 Tender Invitation Sections:One bid section 九、□是 √否 发布招标控制价,若发布,招标控制价为 □Yes RNo issue the bid control price,if issue, the bid control price shall be 十、现场勘察:时间/ ,地点:/ ,R是 □否 自行勘察。 Time:/;Location:/,RYes □No Investigation on their own. 十一、标前答疑会:□有 R无 ,若有,则为年月日时分。 Q&A Meeting: □Yes □No , If there is one, it shall be on the date of (year)(month)(day)(hour)(minute). 标前答疑会地点: Location of Q&A Meeting: 十二、报名须知Notes for Registration *、R是 □否 须资格预审 RYes □No Need Prequalification *.*、若须资格预审,则资格预审报名及资格预审文件的获取: If prequalification is required, the methods of prequalification registration and obtaining of prequalification documents areas follows: *.*.*中国五矿集团有限公司采购电子商务平台内供应商:登陆网址(http://ec.mcc.com.cn/,以下简称采购平台),获取资格预审文件报名。 Suppliers in the procurement e-commerce platform of China Minmetals Corporation Ltd.: login the website (http://ec.mcc.com.cn/, hereinafter referred to as the procurement platform), and obtain prequalification documents for registration. *.*.*中国五矿集团有限公司采购电子商务平台外供应商:拟报名参加本项目的投标申请人须在“中国五矿集团有限公司采购电子商务平台(http://ec.mcc.com.cn/,以下简称采购平台)”系统上注册成为正式会员,登陆采购平台系统自行下载资格预审文件。 Suppliers not in the procurement platform:Applicants who wish to tenderfor the project must register as a full member ofthe system, loginthe procurement platform and download the prequalification documents by themselves *.*.* 中国境外公司(仅限柬埔寨本地公司),资格预审文件通过招标办公室邮箱发送至邀标人指定邮箱。 For companies outside China (limited to Cambodiancompanies), prequalification documents shall besent to the tenderer’s designated mailbox through the tender invitationoffice’s mailbox. *、资格预审文件的递交Submittalof prequalification documents: *.* 递交资格预审申请文件截止时间为**** 年 **月**日**:**时(**时间),逾期将不能提交资格预审申请文件,投标人登陆采购平台查询资格预审结果,预审合格后方可参与投标。 The deadline for submitting application documents for prequalification is:**** (year)** (month)**(day)**:**(hour)(Beijing time).Itwill not be able to submit application documents for prequalification.Tenderers can login the procurement platform to check the prequalification results. Only those who pass theprequalification can participate in tendering. *.* 境外企业暂无法使用中国五矿集团有限公司采购电子商务平台的,请参照预审公告邮件附件要求,提交相关资格预审文件,并通过邮件的方式,予以提交。邮件回复地址:招标办邮箱***********-mcc.com For overseas enterprises who aretemporarily unavailableto usethe procurement platform, please refer to the requirements in the attachment of prequalification announcement email, submit relevant prequalification documents by email. Mail reply address: Tender Invitation Office mailbox ***********-mcc.com *、招标文件的获取:经资格审查合格的分包商,将对其发放招标文件 Obtaining of Tender Invitation Documents: Tender invitation documents will be sent to suppliers who pass the prequalification *.* 登陆中国五矿集团有限公司采购电子商务平台(http://ec.mcc.com.cn/)自行下载招标文件,并依据文件要求于平台上在投标截止日期**行网上投标。 Login the procurement e-commerce platform of China Minmetals Corporation Ltd. (/">http://ec.mcc.com.cn/), download the tender invitation documents on their own and conduct online tender on the platform before the deadline of tender invitation according to correspondingrequirements in the documents. *.* **宝冶(柬埔寨)有限公司招标办公室通过邮件统一发送招标文件至投标人指定邮箱,投标人必须依据文件要求在投标截止日期**行邮件回复投标。 Tender Invitation Office of Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Ltd.will uniformly sent the tender invitation documents to tenderer’s designated mailbox by email. Tenderers must reply theemailbefore the tender deadline according tocorrespondingrequirementsin the documents. *、本项目所有招标资料均采用规定电子格式下载。 All tender invitationmaterials of this project shall bedownloaded in the prescribed electronic format. 十二、评标办法:*、□合理低价法 *、R综合评估法*、□其他 Method of Tender Evaluation: *. □Rational Low Price Method *.RComprehensive Evaluation Method *.□Other 十三、本次招标投标保证金按 (*) 进行缴纳; Tender Bond: This tender invitation will take the method of (*) to carry out. (*)本次招标不收取投标保证金,但中标单位必须按中标单价及招标承诺完成本招标工程。如乙方违约。则按投标金额*%进行罚款,同时赔偿甲方工程实际损失。生下列情况之一者,将视为违约: Tenderbond is not chargedin thistender invitation, but the tender-winner must complete the tender project according to the accepted unitpricesand the tender commitments. If Party B defaults, thefine of *% of the tender amount will be imposed, and the actual loss of Party A’s project will be compensated. Any of the following circumstances will be considered a breach of contract: *、投标人在投标有效期中撤回其投标; The tenderer withdraws its tenderduring the validity period of tender; *、投标人以他人的名义投标或出现围标、串标、弄虚作假投标嫌疑的; Thetenderer tenders in the name of another partyor appears to be suspected of fraudulent tendering. *、中标人未按规定时间与招标人签订合同的。 The tender-winner did not sign the contract with the tenderee according to the prescribed time. *、中标人以任何理由推诿拒绝签订项目施工合同的 The tender-winner refuses to sign the project construction contract for any reason. (*)用投标单位在宝冶项目的应收账款或质保金抵押支付投标保证金,金额为 美金 ; Take the project payment due to the tenderer or the quality guarantee deposit as the tender bond with the amount ofUS dollars. (*)直接缴纳投标保证金 美元,保证金应于投标截止日前缴纳到招标人指定账户(招标人账户: )。在投标截止时间前,投标保证金未按规定转入招标人账户,则投标人的投标无效,不予开标。 The tender bondshall bedirectly paid with the amount ofUS dollarsto the designated account of the tenderee(the tenderee’s account:) before the deadline of valid period. If the tenderbond is not transferred to thetederee’s account as specified before the deadline, the tenderer‘s tenderwill be invalid and not be granted. 十四、投标截止时间及开标时间: *、投标截止时间:**** 年** 月**日,**:** 时(**时间) Tender Deadline:****(year)**(month)**(day)**:**(hour)(Beijing time) *、开标时间:**** 年**月**日, **:** 时(**时间) Time of Tender Opening:****(year)**(month)**(day)**:**(hour)(Beijing time) 招标人:**宝冶(柬埔寨)有限公司 Tenderee: Shanghai Baoye (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. 联系人:徐蔚栋 Contact person:XU WEIDONG 联系电话:+*** ********* Telephone:+*** ********* 电子邮箱:***********-mcc.com Email address:***********-mcc.com 序号 物资描述 计量单位 采购数量 税率 交货日期 报价要求 * 砼预应力工程 项 *.**** *.** 技术标准:计量方式:付款方式:送货地点:工程部位:收料人姓名:联系方式: 报名地址:http://ec.mcc.com.cn/logonAction.do


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