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项目概况 Overview 垃圾分类专管员管理专项工作项目招标项目的潜在投标人应在***政府采购网获取招标文件,并于****年**月**日 **:**(**时间)前递交投标文件。 Potential bidders forThe garbage sorting supervisor manages special work projectsshould obtain the tender documents from (Shanghai government Procurement network)and submit the bid document before**th ** **** at **.**pm(Beijing time) . 一、项目基本情况 *. Basic Information 项目编号:*********************-******** Project No.:*********************-******** 项目名称:垃圾分类专管员管理专项工作项目 Project Name:The garbage sorting supervisor manages special work projects 预算编号:****-W******** Budget No.:****-W******** 预算金额(元):*******元(国库资金:*元;自筹资金:*******元) Budget Amount(Yuan):*******(国库资金:*元;自筹资金:*******元) 最高限价(元):包*-*******.**元 Maximum Price(Yuan):Package No.* for *******.** Yuan, 采购需求: Procurement Requirements: 包名称:垃圾分类专管员管理专项工作项目 Package Name:The garbage sorting supervisor manages special work projects 数量:* Quantity:* 预算金额(元):*******.** Budget Amount(Yuan):*******.** 简要规格描述或项目基本概况介绍、用途:涉及北蔡镇***个居住区的固定岗位和巡检岗位,***个垃圾分类固定岗位,**个巡检岗位(其中巡查员岗**个,片长岗*个,管理岗*个),总共***个垃圾分类专管服务内容 Brief specification description or basic overview of the project:It involves the fixed posts and inspection posts of *** residential areas in Beichai Town, *** fixed posts of garbage sorting, ** inspection posts (including ** inspector posts, * director posts, and * management post), and a total of *** garbage sorting special management services 合同履约期限:*年 The Contract Period:* year 本项目(否)接受联合体投标。 Joint Bids: (NO)Available. 二、申请人的资格要求 *. Qualification Requirements for Bidder (a)满足《中华人民**国政府采购法》第二十二条规定; (a)Meet the provisions of Article ** of the "Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China"; (b)落实政府采购政策需满足的资格要求:促进中小企业发展、促进残疾人就业。根据《政府采购促进中小企业发展管理办法》(财库[****]**号)及《关于进一步加大政府采购支持中小企业力度的通知》〔****〕**号规定执行。 (b)Qualification requirements to be met to implement government procurement policies:We will promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and the employment of persons with disabilities. In accordance with the Administrative Measures for Government Procurement to Promote the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (Finance [****]**) and the Notice on Further Strengthening Government Procurement to Support Small and medium-sized Enterprises (****) **. (c)本项目的特定资格要求:*、根据《***政府采购供应商登记及诚信管理办法》已登记入库的供应商;*、其他资格要求:*)供应商须为法人、其他组织或者自然人,法人的分公司或者分支机构须取得总公司授权; *)本项目专门面向小微企业采购。(残疾人福利性单位、监狱企业视同小型、微型企业。)如投标人为中小企业,且满足《政府采购促进中小企业发展管理办法》(财库[****]**号)规定条件的,必须提供《中小企业声明函》*)本项目不允许转包。 (c)Specific qualification requirements for this program:*. Suppliers that have been registered in the warehouse according to the Shanghai Municipal Government Procurement Supplier Registration and Integrity Management Measures; *. Other qualification requirements: *) The supplier shall be a legal person, other organization or natural person, and the branch or branch of the legal person shall be authorized by the head office; *) This project is specifically for small and micro enterprise procurement. (Welfare units for the disabled and prison enterprises shall be regarded as small and micro enterprises.) If the bidder is a small and medium-sized enterprise, and meets the conditions stipulated in the Administrative Measures for Government Procurement to Promote the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (Finance [****]**), the SME Declaration Letter must be provided. *) Subcontracting of the project is not allowed. (i)符合《中华人民**国政府采购法》第二十二条的规定; (i)Comply with the provisions of Article ** of the"Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China"; (ii)未被“信用中国”(www.creditchina.gov.cn)、中国政府采购网(www.ccgp.gov.cn)列入失信被执行人、重大税收违法案件当事人名单、政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单; (ii)Not included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, the list of parties to major tax violation cases, or the list of records of serious illegal and dishonestacts in government procurement by "Credit China" (www.creditchina.gov.cn), China Government Procurement Network (www.ccgp.gov.cn); 三、获取招标文件 *. Acquisition of Tender Documents 时间:****年**月**日至****年**月**日,每天上午**:**:**-**:**:**,下午**:**:**-**:**:**(**时间,法定节假日除外) Time: Tender documents may be obtained between**:**:**am to **:**:**pmfrom****年**月**日until**th ** ****.(Beijing time, excluding statutory holidays) 地点:***政府采购网 Place: www.zfcg.sh.gov.cn 方式:网上获取 To Obtain: Online Purchase 售价(元):* Price of Tender Documents(Yuan):* 四、提交投标文件截止时间、开标时间和地点 *. Bid Submission 提交投标文件截止时间:****年**月**日 **:**(**时间) Deadline date submission of bids:**th ** **** at **.**pm(Beijing Time) 投标地点:本次投标采用网上投标方式,投标人应根据***财政局《关于***政府采购信息管理平台招投标系统正式运行的通知》(沪财采[****]** 号)的规定,在**政府采购网(云采交易平台)http://www.zfcg.sh.gov.cn/ 上传电子投标文件。书面投标文件递交地址:*******张江镇环科路***号*号楼***室 Place of submission of bid documents:The bid shall be made online. The bidder shall, in accordance with the Notice on the Official Operation of the Bidding and Bidding System of Shanghai Government Procurement Information Management Platform (Hucaicai [****]**) of Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau, The government procurement network in Shanghai (cloud mining trading platform) http://www.zfcg.sh.gov.cn/ upload electronic bidding documents. Address of written bid documents: Room ***, Building *, No. *** Huanke Road, Zhangjiang Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 开标时间:****年**月**日 **:** Time of Bid Opening:****-**-** **:**:** 开标地点:投标人进行网上开标。网络地点:***政府采购云平台(网址:http://www.zfcg.sh.gov.cn)。届时请投标人代表持投标时所使用的数字证书(CA 证书)和可以无线上网的笔记本电脑参加开标。现场开标地址:*******张江镇环科路***号*号楼***室 Place of Bid Opening:Bidders open bids online. Network location: Shanghai government procurement cloud platform (http://www.zfcg.sh.gov.cn). At that time, the bidder's representative is invited to participate in the bid opening with the digital certificate (CA certificate) used in the bid and the laptop with wireless Internet access. Site bid opening address: Room ***, Building *, No.*** Huanke Road, Zhangjiang Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 五、公告期限 *. Notice Period 自本公告发布之日起*个工作日。 * business days from the date of publication of this tender notice. 六、其他补充事宜 *. Other Supplementary Matters *、根据***财政局《关于***政府采购信息管理平台招投标系统正式运行的通知》(沪财采[****]**号)的规定,本项目招投标相关活动在电子采购平台(网址:www.zfcg.sh.gov.cn)电子招投标系统进行。响应人应根据《***电子政府采购管理暂行办法》等有关规定和要求执行。响应人在电子采购平台的有关操作方法可以参照电子采购平台中的“在线服务”专栏的有关内容和操作要求办理。 *、响应人应在投标截止时间前尽早加密上传响应文件,电话通知采购人进行签收,并及时查看采购人在电子采购平台上的签收情况,打印签收回执,以免因临近投标截止时间上传造成采购人无法完成签收的情形。未签收的响应文件视为投标未完成。 / 本项目为预留采购份额采购项目,预留采购份额措施为整体预留 This project is a reserved purchase quota procurement project, and the reserved purchase quota measures are reserved for the whole 七、对本次采购提出询问,请按以下方式联系 *. Contact Details (a)采购人信息 (a)Purchasers 名 称:*******北蔡镇人民政府 Name:People's Government of Beichai Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 地 址:*******沪南路****号 Address:No. ****, Hu Nan Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 联系人:[采购人联系人] Contact:[EN-采购人联系人] 联系方式:***-******** Contact Information:***-******** (b)采购代理机构信息 (b)Procurement Agency 名 称:***************** Name:Shanghai Huasheng engineering cost Consulting Firm limited 地 址:****张江镇环科路***号*号楼***室 Address:Room ***, Building *, No. *** Huanke Road, Zhangjiang Town, Pudong New Area 联系方式:*********** Contact Information:*********** (c)项目联系方式 (c)Project Contact 项目联系人:李瑶竹 Contact:Li Yaozhu 电 话:*********** Tel:*********** 本公告信息如有中、英文不一致,以中文为准。 The English translation of this document is for reference only, and the Chinese version shall be authentic and prevail in case of dispute.


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