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**天玛智控科技股份有限公司**型精密全 自动车削中心国际招标项目 - 国际招标公告 ***************受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于****-**-**在中国国际招标网公告。 本 次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 *、招标条件 项目概况:**天玛智控科技股份有限公司因业务发展需要,采购*台**型精密全自动车削中心。设备实现连续自动送料, 一次装夹完成 车、铣、钻、攻丝等全工序自动加工成型,在机自动去毛刺,成品工件自动下料传送并与天玛智控自动传输分拣、清洗生产线集成,数控系 统开放信息化接口,具备与天玛智控MES、DNC、刀具管理系统等信息化管理系统集成应用的功能。 资金到位或资金来源落实情况:本项目已获得主管部门审批,资金来源已落实。 项目已具备招标条件的说明:已具备。 *、招标内容: 招标项目编号: ****-************ 招标项目名称:**天玛智控科技股份有限公司**型精密全自动车削中心国际招标项目 项目实施地点:中国*** 招标产品列表(主要设备): 序 号产品名 称数 量简要技术规格备 注 ***型精 密全自动车削 中心 *精密全自动车削中心成套设备,包括机床主机、冷却过滤系统、自动排屑系统、油膜式自动送料机、零件传送装置、油雾收集器(静电式油雾回收器)、自动灭火装置、验收用刀具、各型号主副轴夹头、料夹等各项附属配置及所有相关部件,由中标方实施交钥匙工程,并包含设备包装运输、安装调试、验收、培训、技术资料等。 无 *、投标人资格要求 投标人应具备的资格或业绩:除第一章 投标人须知“*.合格的投标人”要求的资格之外,投标人还应满足下列投标人资格: ( *)投标人信 誉要求: 提供信誉承诺书,格式自拟,须加盖公章。 ( *)投标人所投设备不是投标人制造的,则必须提供该设备制造商出具的授权函正 本:投标人如为制造商授权中国总代理或中国区域代理,须提供总代理授权书或区域代理授权书复印件,如有需要,须提供正本备查。 (*)销售业绩要求:投标人近三年(****年*月*日至今)在中国境内直接销售**型或近似规格(最大车削直径≥φ**mm)的精密全自动车 削中心的台数≥**台。所提供业绩包含的设备必须为CNC精密双主轴、双刀架、 *轴(X*、Y*、Z*、X*、Z*)及以上设备,否则在本次招标 中视为无效业绩。须附相关业绩证明材料,合同扫描件须至少包含合同买卖双方盖章页、合同签订日期、设备名称型号及关键技术参数等信 息(如果合同中不体现上述信息,须提供与合同对应的技术协议或其他证明材料)。业绩以合同签署时间为准,经销合同、代理合同等非因 使用需求而签署的销售合同不属于有效业绩。 (*)是否接受联合体投标:不接受联合体投标。 是否接受联合体投标:不接受 未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以 *、招标文件的获取 招标文件领购开始时间: ****-**-** 招标文件领购结束时间: ****-**-** 是否在线售卖标书:否 获取招标文件方式:现场领购 招标文件领购地点: https://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm (中国煤科电子采购平台) 招标文件售价:¥***/$** 其他说明:招标文件采用网上( https://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm (中国煤科电子采购平台))审批下载方式发放,不向投标人提供纸 质招标文件。由于招标文件中涉及招标人技术秘密,所有潜在投标人在购买标书前必须与招标人签署技术保密协议,购买标书前投标人须联 系招标人签订保密协议。 备注【重要】:汇款须公对公汇款,且汇款时务必备注“GHY-***** 标书费”字样,否则系统无法进行财务认款,可 能导致无法及时开具发票等不良后果,不良后果由投标人自行承担。汇款完成后,投标人须将汇款凭证上传至中国煤科电子采购电子平台。 *、投标文件的递交 投标截止时间(开标时间): ****-**-** **:** 投标文件送达地点:中国煤科电子采购电子采购平台https://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm 开标地点:中国煤科电子采购电子采购平台https://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm *、联系方式 招标人:**天玛智控科技股份有限公司 地址:******林**大街**号 联系人:程魁魁 联系方式 :*********** 招标代理机构:*************** 地址:******六铺炕二巷甲*号 联系人:李嘉平 联系方式 :*********** *、汇款方式 招标代理机构开户银行(人民币): 光大银行**德胜门支行 招标代理机构开户银行(美元): 光大银行**德胜门支行 账号(人民币): ***************** 账号(美元): ***************** 其他: 备注【重要】:汇款须公对公汇款,且汇款时务必备注“GHY-***** 标书费”字样,否则系统无法进行财务认款,可能导致无法及时 开具发票等不良后果,不良后果由投标人自行承担。汇款完成后,投标人须将汇款凭证上传至中国煤科电子采购电子平台。 *、其他补充说明 其他补充说明: 招标文件采用网上(https://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm (中国煤科电子采购平台))审批下载方式发放,不向投标人提供 纸质招标文件。由于招标文件中涉及招标人技术秘密,所有潜在投标人在购买标书前必须与招标人签署技术保密协议,购买标书前投标人须 联系招标人签订保密协议。 Beijing Tianma intelligent control Technology Co., LTD ** precision automati c turning center international bidding project CCTEG COAL INDUSTRY PLANNING INSTITUTE entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and ab road for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on w ww. on ****-**-**. *.Bidding Conditions Overview:Beijing Tianma Intelligent Control Technology Co., LTD., due to business development needs, to purchase * sets of ** prec ision automatic turning center. The equipment realizes continuous automatic feeding, and completes the automatic processing and forming of the whole process such as turning, milling, drilling and tapping at one time. The machine automatically deburring, the finished workpiece automatically transferring and integrating with Tianma Intelligent Control automatic transmission, sorting and cleaning production line. The CNC system is open to information interface. It has the function of integrated application with Tianma Intelligent control MES, DNC, tool ma nagement system and other information management systems. Source of Funds:The project has been approved by the competent department, and the fund source has been implemented. Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:Yes *.Bidding Content: Bidding No:****-************ Project Name:Beijing Tianma intelligent control Technology Co., LTD ** precision automatic turning center international bidding proje ct Place of Implementation:Beijing List of Products: N O. Product Name Q ua nti ty Main Technical Data Re m ar ks * Model ** Precision Fully aut omatic tu rning cen ter * The complete set of equipment of precision automatic turning center, including machine tool host, c ooling and filtration system, automatic chip removal system, oil film automatic feeder, parts transfer device, oil mist collector (electrostatic oil mist recovery device), automatic fire extinguishing device, acceptance tool, each type of main and auxiliary shaft chuck, clip and other auxiliary configurations and all related components, are implemented by the winning bidder. And includes equipment packa ging and transportation, installation and commissioning, acceptance, training, technical data, etc. no *.Qualification Requirements For Bidder Qualifications or Performance :In addition to the qualifications required in Chapter I Instructions to Bidders "*. Qualified Bidder", the bi dder shall also meet the following bidder qualifications: (*) The bidder's reputation requirements: Provide a letter of credit commitment, the format of the draft, must be stamped with official seal. (*) If the equipment submitted by the bidder is not manufactured by the bidder, the or iginal authorization letter issued by the manufacturer of the equipment must be provided: If the bidder is the manufacturer's authorized gen eral agent in China or regional agent in China, the copy of the general agent authorization letter or regional agent authorization letter shall be provided, if necessary, the original shall be provided for reference. (*) Sales performance requirements: The number of precision autom atic turning centers of type ** or similar specifications (maximum turning diameter ≥φ**mm) directly sold in China in the past three years (f rom January *, **** to now) is ≥** sets. The equipment included in the performance must be CNC precision double spindle, double tool h older, *-axis (X*, Y*, Z*, X*, Z*) and above equipment, otherwise it will be regarded as invalid performance in this tender. The scanned co py of the contract shall contain at least the stamped page of the contract buyer and seller, the date of signing the contract, the name and m odel of the equipment and key technical parameters and other information (if the contract does not reflect the above information, the techni cal agreement or other certification materials corresponding to the contract shall be provided). The performance is subject to the contract si gning time, distribution contract, agency contract and other sales contracts that are not signed due to the use of demand are not valid perfo rmance. (*) Whether to accept the consortium bid: The consortium bid is not accepted. Joint Bids:NOT Available Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available *.Acquisition of Bidding Documents Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents :****-**-** Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:****-**-** Sell bidding doc online or not:No To Obtain:On-site Purchase Place:https://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm Price of Bidding Documents: ¥***/$** Additional Instructions:The bidding documents will be issued and downloaded online (https://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm (China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Electronic Procurement Platform)), and no paper bidding documents will be provided to bidders. As the bi dding documents involve the technical secrets of the tenderer, all potential bidders must sign a technical confidentiality agreement with the tenderer before purchasing the bidding documents. Before purchasing the bidding documents, bidders must contact the tenderer to sign a confidentiality agreement. Note [Important]: The remittance must be made from a company account to a company account, and the words "GHY-***** Bidding Document Fee" must be noted when remitting. Otherwise, the system will not be able to recognize the payment, whic h may lead to adverse consequences such as delayed invoice issuance. Any adverse consequences will be borne by the bidder. After the r emittance is completed, the bidder must upload the remittance voucher to the China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Electronic Proc urement Platform. *.Bid Submission Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time) :****-**-** **:** Place of Bid:http://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm Place of Bid Opening:http://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm *.Contact Details Purchasers:Beijing Tianma Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd. Add.: ** Linhe Henan Street, Shunyi District, Beijing Contact: Cheng Kuikui Tel:*********** Bidding Agency:CCTEG COAL INDUSTRY PLANNING INSTITUTE Add.: No. *, Lane *, Liupu Kang, Xicheng District, Beijing Contact:Li Jiaping Tel :*********** *.Remittance Approach Bank(RMB): Beijing Deshengmen Branch of Everbright Bank Bank(USD): Beijing Deshengmen Branch of Everbright Bank Account NO.(RMB):***************** Account NO.(USD):***************** Additional:Note [Important]: The remittance must be made from a company account to a company account, and the words "GHY-***** Bidding Document Fee" must be noted when remitting. Otherwise, the system will not be able to recognize the payment, which may lead to adverse consequences such as delayed invoice issuance. Any adverse consequences will be borne by the bidder. After the remittance is c ompleted, the bidder must upload the remittance voucher to the China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Electronic Procurement Platf orm. *.Additional Instruction Additional Instruction:The bidding documents will be issued and downloaded online (https://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm (China Coal Tec hnology & Engineering Group Electronic Procurement Platform)), and no paper bidding documents will be provided to bidders. As the biddi ng documents involve the technical secrets of the tenderer, all potential bidders must sign a technical confidentiality agreement with the ten derer before purchasing the bidding documents. Before purchasing the bidding documents, bidders must contact the tenderer to sign a con fidentiality agreement. Note [Important]: The remittance must be made from a company account to a company account, and the words "GH Y-***** Bidding Document Fee" must be noted when remitting. Otherwise, the system will not be able to recognize the payment, which m ay lead to adverse consequences such as delayed invoice issuance. Any adverse consequences will be borne by the bidder. After the remit tance is completed, the bidder must upload the remittance voucher to the China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Electronic Procure ment Platform.




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