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第一章 招标公告 Chapter * Announcement for Bids 招标编号:****XM-PNG-GKZB-** ITB No.:****XM-PNG-GKZB-** 项目名称:巴布亚新几内亚成品油罐区项目消防安全设备及泡沫混合撬招标项目 Tendering Documents for Foam Proportioning, Firefighting and Safety Equipment of PNG Fuel Storage Depot (Motukea) Project 一、招标条件Tendering Conditions 招标人为中石油管道局巴布亚新几内亚成品油罐区项目部,项目资金来源已落实。本招标项目已按要求履行了相关报批及备案等手续,具备招标条件,现进行公开招标。 The project has implemented relevant procedures according to rules, regulations, and laws .as well as the capital has been confirmed. Now we hereby invite your esteemed company to participate in this bid. The tenderee is China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Company LtdPNG Fuel Storage Depot (Motukea) ProjectDepartment. 二、项目概况与招标范围Project Overview and Tendering Scope *.*项目概况:本项目位于巴布亚新几内亚莫尔兹比港莫图凯的巴布亚新几内亚国际港区域内。该项目旨在设计一个油箱库,以解决包括航空煤油、柴油和汽油在内的成品油供应短缺问题;以及在巴布亚新几内亚建造航空煤油储罐及其相关附属设施。油库的设计总容积应为***** m*航空煤油、***** m*柴油和***** m*汽油。 The PROJECT is to design a fuel tank depot in order to address the issue of oil supply shortage,including Jet A*, diesel, and gasoline; and to construct the Jet A* storage tanks with its associatedancillary facilities in Papua New Guinea.The tank depot shall be designed for total volume of **,*** m* Jet A*,and **,*** m* of diesel and **,*** m* of gasoline. *.* 招标范围:本次招标采购物资详见下表 Scope of Supply: For the materials to be procured by the present Tendering, please refer to the table below. S/N Material Description/Specification Main Technical Parameters Unit Quantity Remark Package A 泡沫混合撬 Foam chamber 详见附件技术文件及MTOPlease refer to the attached technical documents Package B 消防安全设备 Fire Firefighting and Safety Equipment 详见附件技术文件及MTOPlease refer to the attached technical documents *.*交货期 Delivery time: 最短交货期,A包最晚交货时间不得晚于买方下达订单后***个日历日;B包 最晚交货时间不得晚于买方下达订单后**个日历日 The Tender should provide its shortest delivery time,and Package A the latest delivery time that tendering requires shall be no later than ***calendar days after the Buyer issue PO , Package B the latest delivery time that tendering requires shall be no later than ** calendar days after the Buyer issue PO *.* 交货地点:***指定地点 Place of delivery: designated place at Shanghai Port *.*.划分为A包和B包;投标人可对两个包或其中一个包进行报价;投标人须针对两个标包分别编制投标文件,评标委员会分别进行评审,分别推荐中标人;同一投标人的两个标包均为最高评标得分的,允许同时中标。 Divided into package A and package B; Bidders may bid for two packages or one of them; The bidder shall prepare bid documents separately for the two bid packages, and the bid evaluation committee shall review and recommend the winning bidder respectively. If the two bid packages of the same bidder have the highest bid evaluation score, they are allowed to win the bid at the same time. 三、投标人资格要求 Bidder qualification requirement *.* 本次招标不接受联合体投标。 Bids from joint venture are not accepted. *.* 本项目的投标人须为中国境内依法注册并具有独立法人资格,为此项目的专业生产、制造、安装、调试的制造厂商或集成商,对其提供的货物和服务负全面责任。 The bidder should be a manufacturer or integrator that is legally registered within China and possesses independent legal person status., has independence in law and finance and operates legally and shall take full responsibility to the goods and service. *.*本次招标要求投标人须具备 ISO****相关体系认证、企业资质(包括但不限于营业执照或注册证书等), 具有与本招标项目相应的供货能力。Qualification requirement: The bidder should have the ISO**** system certification ,certification(including but not limited to business license or registration certificate, etc.) and have the supply capacity corresponding to the tender project. *.*投标人不接受分包。 The bidder does not accept subcontracting *.*财务要求: 提供 *年度(****-****)财务报告,经会计师事务所或审计机构审计的财务会计报表(未完成****年财务审计的可提供****-****年的财务审计报告),包括但不限于资产负债表、现金流量表、利润表和财务情况说明书(或报表附注)的复印件。投标人财务状况良好(其中资产负债率小于***%),不存在进入清算程序、被宣告破产或其他丧失履约能力的情形;成立日期晚于要求年份的,从成立年起计算。 Financial requirement: The bidder should provide financial reports for * years(****-****), including but not limited to balance sheets(If the financial audit for ****has not been completed, the financial audit report for ****to ****can be provided), cash flow statements, income statements and financial statements.The reports should be audited by accounting firms or institutions. The bidder should have good financial status (with a debt-to-asset ratio of less than ***%) and not be involved in liquidation procedures, declared bankrupt, or otherwise unable to fulfill contractual obligations.; If the date of establishment is later than ****, it shall be counted from the year of establishment. *.* .业绩要求:提供近*年类似产品的销售合同和发票,至少有一项成就是在海外取得的,国外业绩只提供合同。 Bidding documents shall include the Sales contract and invoice for similar products in the past * years. And at least * achievement has been made overseas.The foreign performance only provides contracts. *.*信誉要求(适用于中国厂家):Credit requirements: 在国家企业信用信息公示系统(http://www.gsxt.gov.cn)、信用中国网站(www.creditchina.gov.cn)未被列入严重违法失信企业名单或失信被执行人名单。 The bidder has not been listed in the serious illegal and trust-breaking enterprises or trust-breaking enforcement list In the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity system (http://www.gsxt.gov.cn)and credit China website (www.creditchina.gov.cn) *.*其它要求: 投标人未被中国石油天然气集团有限公司/中国石油管道局工程有限公司列入黑名单、暂停投标资格或取消投标人资格或禁止准入。 The bidder has not been suspended /disqualified the bid qualification by CN 四、招标文件的获取 Acquisition of Tendering Documents *.* 招标文件每套售价***元,售后不退。招标文件发售时间:****年*月*日*:**:** 至 ****年*月 **日**:**:**(**时间,下同)。凡有意参加投标者,请通过中国石油招标投标网(http://www.cnpcbidding.com)点击“招投标平台”进入“中国石油电子招投标交易平台”报名、购买招标文件。 The priceofbiddingdocuments is: RMB ***, non- refundable.The time of selling bidding documentsis from*:**:** on March**, ****to **:**:** on March******, (Beijing time, the same below). Bidders shall click "Bidding Platform" through PetroChina Bidding Network (http://www.cnpcbidding.com) to enter the "PetroChina E-Tendering&Bidding Trading Platform" to register and purchase bidding documents. *.* 招标文件获取方式:潜在投标人报名后,须使用中国石油电子招投标交易平台缴费模块进行招标文件缴费(具体操作参见招标公告附件),缴费成功后系统将自动开启招标文件下载权限。有关交易平台的问题请咨询运营单位(中油物采信息技术有限公司)技术支持团队相关人员,咨询电话:**********语音导航“招标平台”,因交易平台或其他非招标机构原因导致的购标失败等问题,招标机构不承担投标人的任何损失。投标人缴费成功后需登陆“投标人自助服务平台”(https://zh.cpplb.com.cn:****)点击业务办理,上传订单状态截图及开票信息,招标机构依据投标人自助服务平台中的信息开具发票。未按要求上传订单状态截图的,将无法开具发票,由此造成的影响由投标人自行负责。 Obtain bidding documents: After registration, potential bidders must use the payment module of the PetroChina E-Tendering&Bidding Trading Platform to pay for bidding documents (please refer to the attachment of the bidding announcement for specific operations), and the system will automatically open the bidding document download permission after successful payment. For questions about the trading platform, please consult the relevant personnel of the technical support team of the operating unit (CNPC Information Technology Co., Ltd.), consultation telephone: ********** voice navigation "bidding platform", due to the trading platform or other non-bidding institutions caused by the failure of the bid purchase, the bidding agency will not bear any losses of the bidder.After making the payment, bidders need to log in to the "Bidder Self-Service Platform" (https://zh.cpplb.com.cn:****), click Business Handling, upload screenshots of order status and invoicing information, and the bidding agency will issue invoices according to this information. If the screenshot of the order status is not uploaded as required, the invoice will not be issued,the bidder shall be responsible for the impact caused thereby. 五、投标文件的递交 *.* 投标文件递交截止时间:****年 *月 **日 *时**分。 Submission deadline is: *:**:** on March**, **** *.* 投标文件递交地点 The method to submit the bid documents: 网上电子版投标文件提交:中国石油电子招标投标交易平台。 Online submission of bid documents: PetroChina E-Tendering&Bidder Trading Platform. 现场电子版投标文件提交:**省***金光道**号************B***会议室。投标人可以现场提交电子版投标文件(不强制要求提交),不接受邮寄,现场提交电子版投标文件(U盘)内容仅在需采用应急措施进行解密时有效。 Site submitted electronic bid documents: B***, CNPC Pipeline Materials and Equipment Co., Ltd., No.**, Jinguang Road, Langfang City, Hebei Province. The bidder may submit the electronic version of the bid documents on-site (not mandatory) but does not accept the post. On-site submission of electronic tender documents (USB stick) is valid only in an emergency decryption situation 不接受纸质版投标文件 Hard copy will not be accepted. *.* 逾期送达的、未送达指定地点的或者不按照招标文件要求密封的投标文件,招标人将予以拒收。逾期传送至电子招标投标交易平台的投标文件,电子招标投标交易平台予以拒收。 The bidding document will be rejected, if the bidding documents are deliveredare exceed the specified time, are not send to the designated place, or are not sealed in accordance with the requirements of the solicitation documents. If the bidding document did not upload to the E-tendering&bidding trading platform within the time limit, the platform will reject the bidding. *.* 本次招标采取网上电子版提交的方式,以网上电子版为准,不接受纸质版投标文件。 The bidding documents shall be subject to electronic submissions online, and the paper version will not be accepted. 六、开标 开标时间:****年 *月 **日 * 时**分; Time: *:** AM (Beijing Time) ofMarch**, **** 开标地点(网上开标):中国石油电子招标投标交易平台。 Place: PetroChina E-Tendering & Bidding Trading Platform 七、发布公告的媒体 本次招标公告发布在中国石油招标投标网(http://www.cnpcbidding.com),并由该网推送中国招标投标公共服务平台(http://www.cebpubservice.com)。 This bidding announcement is simultaneously released in China Bidding Public Service Platform (website: http://www.cebpubservice.com/) and CNPC Bidding Network (website: http://www.cnpcbidding.com) 八、联系方式contacts 招 标 人:中石油管道局巴布亚新几内亚成品油罐区项目部 Tenderee:China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Company LtdPNG Fuel Storage Depot (Motukea) ProjectDepartment. 地 址 :**省******银**路***号 Address: No.***YinheNorthRoad,GuangyangDistrict,LangfangCity,HebeiProvince,China 联 系 人(Attn):陈树仁 电 话 (Tel): *********** 电子邮件(Email):***********-int.com 招标代理机构:************ Biding Agency: China Petroleum Pipeline Material & Equipment Company Ltd. 地 址:**省***金光道**号 Address: No. ** Jinguang road, Langfang City, Hebei Province, China. 联 系 人(Attn):丁艺纯Ding Yichun 电 话(Tel) :****-*******/******* 邮 箱( E-mail):*********** 附件:巴布亚新几内亚成品油罐区项目消防安全设备及泡沫混合撬招标项目招标公告-盖章版.pdf 附件:巴布亚新几内亚成品油罐区项目消防安全设备及泡沫混合撬招标项目招标公告(变更)-盖章版.pdf 附件:招标公告附件-电子招标项目 v*.rar *************巴布亚新几内亚成品油罐区项目消防安全设备及泡沫混合撬招标项目招标公告-盖章版.pdf*************巴布亚新几内亚成品油罐区项目消防安全设备及泡沫混合撬招标项目招标公告(变更)-盖章版.pdf*************招标公告附件-电子招标项目 v*.rar




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