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巴库营业部安检服务成交结果公示 项目名称:巴库营业部安检服务 项目编号:CZ********** 采购人:中国南方航空股份有限公司巴库营业部 采购方式:白名单 评审时间:****-*-* 经评审委员会评审,推荐成交候选人如下: 成交候选供应商 成交项目 成交金额 Azerbaijan Airlines Closed Joint-Stock Company 巴库营业部安检服务 On providing of Aircraft SecurityServicesin the area of responsibility of Heydar Aliyev International Airport Rate of Charges for Ensuring Aircraft SecurityServices 关于在盖达尔·阿利耶夫国际机场责任区提供飞机安保服务的收费标准 *.Screening of passengers-**(twelve)EUR for each departingpassenger.These rates of charges are not charged for children under * years of age. *. 旅客安检-每位离境旅客收费**(十二)欧元,*岁以下儿童免费。 *.*.Security screening of passengers and their baggage at Heydar Aliyev International Airport – ** EUR per arriving passenger over * (two) years of age. *.*.在盖达尔.阿利耶夫国际机场对旅客及其行李进行安全检查 - 每位*岁以上的抵达旅客收费 **欧元。 *.-Ensuring aviation security of cargo up to *** kg – **EUR ***公斤以下货物的航空安检费 - **欧元 -Ensuring aviation security of cargo weighting more than *** kg – *.** EUR per * kg. ***公斤以上货物的航空安检费 - 每公斤*.**欧元 *.Aircraft security beyond * hours parking–*EUR per hour of guard. *.飞机停放超过*小时的安保费用- 每小时*欧元。 *.Special aircraft security – ** EUR per hour of guard. Special (individual) security of aircraft is provided on request of aircraft commander or representative of air company. *.特殊飞机安保费- 每小时**欧元。 应机组或航空公司代表的要求,提供飞机特殊(个人)安保。 *.Provision of aircraft control on ramp during technical landing of aircraft without additional loading of passengers – for each * hours –** EUR. *.管制停机坪着陆飞机,在飞机仅技术降落不增加载客的情况下每*小时收取**欧元。 *.For fire-fighting machine services during aircraft refueling– *** EUR. *飞机加油期间的消防车服务-*** 欧元。 *.Screening of transit passengers–*EUR per one departing passenger. *.过境旅客安检,每位离境旅客收费*欧元。 *.The specified rates of charges are not charged for flights related to search and rescue of people and aircraft suffering distress. *.执行与搜救人员有关的航班及飞机遇险时不收取费用。 *. Ensuring aviation security of passenger aircraft – the fee of three (*) Euros is charged per each one (*) tonne of maximum take-off weight of passenger aircraft; any fractional part of the mass unit (ton) is rounded up to a whole number when determining the amount of collection due to ensuring the aviation safety of passenger aircrafts. *.为确保航空器的航空安全,飞机安保费按航空器最大起飞重量每吨收取三(*)欧元;在确定航空器最大起飞重量时,重量单位(吨)的小数部分将四舍五入为整数。 On Issuance of Passes 关于办理机场区域证 *.Upon request of the Carrier, “AZAL” provides issuance of the passes to its representatives depending on the types on the following rates. The prices are in AZN and inclusive of VAT. *. 根据承运人的申请,阿航将依据下列收费标准为其工作人员办理不同类型的区域证,区域证的费用按当地货币马纳特收取,含增值税。 Term of the Pass and Rate of Charges 区域证有效期限及收费标准: One time pass ** 一次性区域证 ** Up to one month ** 一个月区域证 ** From * to * months ** *至*个月区域证 ** From * to* months ** *至*个月区域证 ** Yearly Passes ** 一年期区域证 ** 该项目为框架合同,无固定总金额,供应商已对全部内容进行报价,按需结算,成交金额********元人民币,拟签订合同期限*年。 特此公示。公示期*个工作日(****年*月*日**时**分至****年*月*日**时**分止)。 采购人: 中国南方航空股份有限公司巴库营业部 ****年*月*日


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